Robotics Lessons. Modeling. Movement. Control. 2nd Ed.

Book description
Author(s): Sergey A. Filippov
Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-00101-114-9
Pages: 190
Subject: Robotics
Format: 165 x 210 mm
Cover: Flexibound

The study guide introduces the basics of modeling of automatic devices using the LEGO and TRIK robotic constructers and creating the algorithm of controlling robots in the TRIK Studio environment. The book describes the physical basics of robotics and gives interesting facts from the history of robotics and about its modern achievements.

The book is intended for students of 5-6 grades and older, as well as for those who are interested in robotics. It may be used both for self-education, and at technology lessons at school and robotics clubs, and also when carrying out a study project and preparing for participation in competitions and Olympiads.
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