Real-Time PCR, 6th ed.

Book description
Author(s): D.V. Rebrikov (ed.)
Year: 2014
Edition: 6th ed.
ISBN: 978-5-9963-1898-8
Pages: 221
Subject: Biology
Format: 145 õ 215 ìì
Cover: Hardcover

The purpose of this manual is to provide enlightenment to anyone seeking to maximize the quality of real-time PCR, qPCR or qRT-PCR results. The book describes various variants and features of the equipment for carrying out PCR in real time. It offers recommendations for choice of the amplifier. The systems of fluorescent registration of accumulation of DNA are considered. A reader would find the key factors defining the choice of oligonucleotide sequence and amplification programs parameters. Special attention is given to preparation of tests and features of the received data analysis that is necessary for getting authentic results. Separate chapters are devoted to PCR application in real time for the solving various problems: definitions of the transcript level, virus loading, nucleotide polymorphism, relative maintenance of nucleic acids on GMO example.

The book is intended for employees of genetic engineering and medical diagnostics laboratories, and also for teachers and students specializing in the area of molecular biology.

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