Effective Project Management Based on Standard PMI PMBOK 6th Edition

Book description
Author(s): A.N. Pavlov
Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-00101-178-1
Pages: 270
Subject: Management
Format: 140 x 210 mm
Cover: Hardcover

The book is written by a partner of PM Expert, one of the leading Russian consulting companies in the field of project management. It details the statements of the most famous American project management standard PMI PMBOK, it latest 6th edition. Along with the description of the standard, the book contains valuable author’s comments and recommendations that significantly complement and enrich its main content. In addition, the publication includes a Russian-English glossary on project management.

The book will be useful to project managers, top-managers of companies, heads of functional units, students, postgraduate students and professors of Economic and Management universities.

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