Geometrophysics, 2nd ed.

Book description
Author(s): J. S. Vladimirov
Year: 2010
Edition: 2nd ed.
ISBN: 978-5-9963-0303-8
Pages: 536
Subject: Physics
Format: 165 x 235 mm
Cover: Hardcover

The book introduces a statement and the analysis of the geometrical approach to the description of the physical world, in particular to the A. Einstein’ general theory of a relativity and the multidimensional geometrical theory of physical interactions. The first part contains introduction to the general theory of a relativity. The theory of a relativity, its formulations and generalizations are considered in detail in the second part. The third part is devoted to a statement of the multidimensional geometrical theory of a microcosm. In the fourth part a reader would find the metaphysical analysis of geometrical and other approaches to physics for the purpose of a substantiation of necessity to pass to more perfect picture of the world.

The book is addressed for students and teachers of higher schools, physicists-theorists and philosophers.

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