Orthopedics of the First Steps

Book description
Author(s): V. A. Mitskevich
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-9963-1546-8
Pages: 359
Subject: Medicine
Format: 145 x 215 mm
Cover: Hardcover

Walking is a multicomponent function of the body, which includes a large number of motions. The process of mastering walking is built on the gradual transition from relatively simple to more complex movements. The first steps cause questions from parents about the propriety of child development and ways of visible violations’ correction. Polyclinics doctors do not always have ready answers on such questions because of the lack of concentrated information concerning an early infant locomotion. The gap is filled by this book ":Orthopedics of first steps":, which is devoted to the physiology and pathology of the initial period of walking.

The book is intended for orthopedists, pediatricians, neurologists and rehabilitation specialists. The book is also important for shoemakers, manufacturers of children's shoes, podiatrists and prosthetists. It will also be interesting to all attentive parents..

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