
Book description
Author(s): Y. A. Lamotkin
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-906828-25-5
Pages: 878 pp.
Subject: Medicine
Format: 190 x 260 mm
Cover: hardcover

LamotkinOncodermatologyThis book reviews multiple aspects of oncodermatology and introduces wide complex of descriptions of 570 nosological entities (including rare cases), in accordance with present-day classifications and concepts of both dermatology and oncology. It provides historical notes, disease pattern, pathology reports and differential exclusion, as well as prognosis and treatment description of benign and malignant skin, mucosa and soft tissue lesions. Each nosological entity description contains a link to recent publications on the subject.

The book is based on the experience of case management and treatment in Burdenko General Military Clinical Hospital. It is directed in particular to dermatologists, oncologists, oncodermatologists, cosmeticians and house surgeons and to any medical specialists dealing with skin and soft tissue tumors. Suitable for senior medical students and PhD students.

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