Maintenance Service of Computing Mashinery

Book description
Author(s): M. D. Loginov, T. A. Loginov
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-5-9963-0085-3
Pages: 319
Subject: Computer Science
Format: 145 x 215 mm
Cover: Hardcover

The book describes all stages of computing machinery maintenance service — from preventive maintenance till repair. A reader would get acquainted with different types of computers malfunctions’ control and diagnostics, remote terminal units and local computer networks, and also with the basic ways of their elimination. The manual contains description of various service equipments and software. The book also deals with the current issues of recycling as well as power-and resource saving.

Michael D. Loginov: teacher of the Tula State Machine-Building College (speciality "Maintenance service of computing machinery and computer networks"), he also works as systems engineer and systems administrator.

Tatyana A. Loginova: Teacher of the Tula State Machine-Building College ("Maintenance Service of Computing Mashinery and Computer Networks" and "Software of Computing Machinery and Automated Systems").

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