Welcome to Chemistry!

Book description
Author(s): M. M. Levitsky
Year: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-9963-0624-4
Pages: 190
Subject: Chemistry
Format: 165 x 235 mm
Cover: Hardcover

This book will be of interest primarily to those who is almost unaware of chemistry. Chemistry deters many people because of complicated chemical formulae. In fact, it is not necessary to understand them in the beginning. The most interesting thing in chemistry is not formulae but substance, the way they behave, and what can one do with them. A reader would find many interesting facts about the chemical elements that make up the world around us, because the story of their discovery and obtaining is full of fascinating and dramatic events. One could train himself in solving entertaining problems and immediately check himself.

The book is intended for high and higher school students, teachers and all inquisitive readers.

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