Quantum Chemistry, 2nd ed.

Book description
Author(s): G. Gelman
Year: 2012
Edition: 2nd ed.
ISBN: 978-5-94774-768-3
Pages: 533
Subject: Chemistry
Format: 165 x 235 mm
Cover: Hardcover

The book describes the current trends of nanostructured materials science and unsolved problems in this area. The author systematized many data on the impact of size effects and the interfaces on the physical, physical-chemical and mechanical properties of nanomaterials, summarized and analyzed the thermal, radiation, deformation and corrosion stability data. A reader would find the most typical nanomaterials features based on titanium, silicon compounds and their alloys.

The book is intended for researchers, teachers, engineers and university students working in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials.

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