Quantum Chemistry. Molecules, Molecular Systems and Solids, 3rd ed.

Book description
Author(s): V. G. Tsirelson
Year: 2014
Edition: 3rd ed.
ISBN: 978-5-9963-1668-7
Pages: 496 + 24
Subject: Chemistry
Format: 170 x 240 mm
Cover: Hardcover

The book presents theoretical contemporary quantum chemical computations background of the wide range of chemical compounds structure and properties, from molecules to solids, including the nano-size systems. It considers contemporary views on chemical bonds and molecular interactions. The methods used for interpretation of the computation results are given in detail. Well-illustrated material, which is essential for researchers and chemical engineers working in the science-intensive fields of industry, is presented in easy accessible form.

This book is written by Professor Vladimir G. Tsirelson, widely-recognized expert in the field who has been named as a recipient of the 2002 Alexander von Humboldt Research Award in the field of theoretical chemistry.

The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and lecturers of classic, pedagogical and technical universities. It will be also useful for experts in chemistry, physics, biology and materials science.

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