Futurology. XXI Century: Immortality or Global Catastrophe

Book description
Author(s): Mikhail Batin and Alexei Turchin
Year: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-9963-1019-7
Pages: 263
Subject: Non-Fiction
Format: 215 x 290 mm
Cover: Hardcover

Futurology studies the probability of various scenarios of the future of humanity, based on historical patterns, social trends and technological advances. In response to the rapid technological advances the main dilemma of the future —physical immortality of humans or global catastrophe springs up. The choice between these pathways might happen in this century. Each of us is responsible for the particular scenario to be developed in the course of the humanity history.

The purpose of this book is to impel the reader to act towards the positive future scenario development. The authors believe that in order to reach this goal it is crucial to understand the prospects, opportunities and risks for civilization and each individual The authors hope that the readers will come to recognize the need for practical steps towards life extension and prevention of a global catastrophe. The book shows some real practical steps which are possible now, and offers various options for action.

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