
Book description
Author(s): V. D. Yagodovsky
Year: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-9963-1681-6
Pages: 216 pp.
Subject: Chemistry
Format: 145 x 215 mm
Cover: Hardcover
Series: Higher Shool Textbook

The manual was written by the professor of People's Friendship University of Russia. The author describes theoretical bases of adsorption which is known as a complex phenomenon on the frontier of phrases division "gas — solid body", "gas — liquid", "liquid — solid body", "liquid — liquid". Adsorption plays an important role in natural processes (an exchange of energy between geological layers, concentration of substances by living organisms cells at a metabolism, etc.), finds broad application in technology, medicine, pharmacology, laboratory practice, at purification of industrial gases, liquids and drinking water, production of catalysts for oil processing, and also receiving other useful substances.

The book is intended for students of chemical higher education institutions.

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