Monitoring of Environmental Organic Pollutions. 500 Techniques: Practical Guidance, 2nd ed.

Book description
Author(s): J. S. Drugov, A. A. Rodin
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-5-94774-761-4
Pages: 893
Subject: Biology / Chemistry / Ecology
Format: 165 x 235 mm
Cover: Hardcover
Series: Methods in Chemistry

The practical guidance presents more than 500 analytical techniques of environmental priority organic pollutions determination (drinking, potable and natural water, sewage, soils, ground adjournment, household and dangerous industrial wastes, atmospheric and working zone air, industrial emissions). The techniques reflect the lists of Russian, American and European official acts.

The guidance is intended for the employees of analytical laboratories of any level occupied with the routine analysis of various objects, including arbitral analysis.

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